Personalized Corporate Wellbeing Training - Joy moves Milano


Are you looking for an original solution to create a more positive and productive work environment, to fill up on energy, for a regenerating break?

Joy moves offers companies wellbeing activities for their employees, suppliers and guests. These are disciplines practiced in groups that have the aim of promoting aggregation and a sense of belonging to the work team. We convey awareness of what is necessary to take care of one's well-being, through methods that involve body, mind and spirit.

  • The meetings are conducted by our instructors and organized down to the smallest detail, based on your needs. They can be set in your company or in other identified spaces.

  • The interventions can be integrated to enrich your convention or meeting, your conference or another type of event, or they can take place as independent events.

  • The standard duration of each session is one hour, but we can adapt it to your specific needs. We offer multi-session packages, which can include different disciplines, and can be created and customized to your needs.

  • The activities are designed to be fun, engaging and have immediate psychophysical benefits. They are accessible to everyone, regardless of age, fitness level or ability. They can be practiced with easily available materials, so that people can replicate them even outside of Joy moves interventions.

Personalized Corporate Wellbeing Training

The methods we suggest are:

  • Yoga
    Yoga is a discipline that combines movement, breathing and meditation and is a great way to improve flexibility, strength, coordination and posture. Helps reduce stress, anxiety and insomnia, promotes concentration. Just one hour of yoga produces a widespread sense of well-being: physical and also mental.

  • Eldoa
    It is a French acronym, translated into Italian as “Longitudinal Elongation Osteo-Articular Decoaptation”. It is a revolutionary postural gymnastics technique in the treatment of back pain and other pathologies related to the spine and preventative for those who sit for a long time. This technique works at the fascial level and immediately causes well-being effects. It must be practiced with great care, precision and concentration.

  • Qigong
    It is an ancient discipline that puts the principles of Chinese medicine into practice through simple exercises and sequences of movements. The word Qigong is the union of two ideograms, Qi which indicates vital energy and Gong which translated means work. We can think of this practice as energy work. Qigong aims to re-establish, through constant practice, the free flow of vital energy, thus improving our state of health and our psychophysical balance.

  • Gyrokinesis
    It uses a vast range of exercises, carried out sitting on a stool, on the floor or standing, which aim to develop correct posture, fluidity and elasticity, both muscular and skeletal, through three-dimensional movements (forward/back/side/twist), during which the whole body is always involved and active. Contrasting forces are used which expand the range of action and increase strength and balance. You will immediately experience greater joint mobility and spinal flexibility.

  • Sound bath
    Quartz bells are a precious innovation in the world of sound healing. The sound envelops our body like a hug, giving the sensation of a delicate massage and a state of deep relaxation. The pure notes and harmonic sounds create a vibrational field that resonates with the body and its energy centers. The bells are composed of pure mineral quartz. The silicon crystal being an extraordinary conductor, stabilizes, amplifies and transmits pure tone. Sounds are heard not only with the ears but with the whole body and influence all levels: physical, energetic, emotional and mental.

If you are interested in finding out more about our wellbeing meetings, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer any of your questions and provide you with further information, identifying together the solution best suited to your needs.

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Soluzioni di Wellbeing aziendale

Wellness Space in Edelman Building in Milan

A concrete example of how corporate wellbeing can transform the work environment is the project carried out at the offices of Edelman, one of the most important public relations agencies in the world. At the Milan headquarters, Edelman created a space dedicated to wellbeing, a miniature Joy Moves studio, complete with a Yoga Wall.

Our president and Yoga Wall expert, Roberta Pedretti, in addition to providing valuable advice for optimal design of the space, had the pleasure of leading individual sessions for employees, offering them an opportunity to take a break from intense work days and dedicate themselves to their physical and mental wellbeing. Thanks to these lessons, participants were able to experience a new way of taking care of themselves, strengthening their mental and physical health and finding a balance between work and relaxation.

The implementation of the Yoga Wall in the Edelman Milano offices is a clear example of the value that the agency places not only on productivity, but also on the well-being of its employees, demonstrating how a healthy and stimulating work environment can foster greater efficiency and professional satisfaction.

Personalized Corporate Wellbeing Training

Team building in Joy Moves

RE Consulting, a company specializing in consulting and training, chose Joy Moves Studio for their fifth team building episode, participating in a mixed class of Eldoa and Yoga Wall. This unique experience is not only incredibly fun, but also helps strengthen the bonds between team members. The activities proposed foster collaboration and mutual trust, creating a more harmonious work environment. In addition, the mix of exercises stimulates physical and mental well-being, improving the productivity and creativity of the group.

Personalized Corporate Wellbeing Training

Personalized Corporate Wellbeing Training


Via Valparaiso 9

Milano - Parco Solari Area

MM2 Sant’Agostino


+39 351 988 8383

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